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The Thought Leader Series | 与大师对话


Guanghua School of Management is kicking off 2015 with a Thought Leaders Series event: On January 6, 2015, Laurence D. Fink, the CEO and Co-Founder of BlackRock, the world's largest asset management company, will be giving a speech entitled, "Global Markets Outlook" .

2015开年巨献 “与大师对话”活动将于1月6日在bat365在线平台网站光华管理学院举办。届时全球最大的资产管理公司贝莱德主席、行政总裁及联合创始人Laurence D. Fink将进行题为“全球资本市场展望”的主题演讲。

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Event Information |活动详情

Time:11:00-12:00, Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Venue:Alibaba Auditorium, Guanghua Bldg No.2, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University

Topic:The Thought Leader Series: Global Markets Outlook

Speaker:Laurence D. Fink, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of BlackRock

Moderator:Guohua Jiang, Professor of Accounting, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University

Language:English (with simultaneous interpretation in Chinese)

时间:2015年1月6日星期二 11:00-12:00



嘉宾:贝莱德主席、行政总裁及联合创始人 劳伦斯·芬克先生

主持:bat365在线平台网站光华管理学院会计学系教授 姜国华


About the Speaker |嘉宾简介

Laurence D. Finkis Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of BlackRock. Mr. Fink has led BlackRock for 26 years with a relentless focus to meet investor needs through client-centric solutions, product innovation, rigorous investment and risk management. As leader of the world’s largest asset management company, which, as of September 30, 2014, was managing USD 4.525 trillion on behalf of institutional and retail clients, Mr. Fink believes BlackRock has responsibilities to be a voice for investors and to help savers worldwide navigate today’s New World of Investing. His advice is repeatedly sought out by governments and leading institutions to address their most daunting financial challenges, including the height of the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis. Aladdin®, BlackRock’s industry-leading risk management and investment system, analyses risks in assets held by governments, sovereign wealth funds, banks and other major global money managers.

Mr. Fink was named "CEO of the Decade" by Financial News in 2011. Barron’s has ranked him as one of the "World's Best CEOs" each year since 2005, and he is ranked #42 in Forbes’ Powerful People in 2012. Before co-founding BlackRock in 1988, Mr. Fink was a member of the Management Committee and a Managing Director of The First Boston Corporation. Mr. Fink serves as a member of the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s International Advisory Panel, the Board of Trustees of New York University, and Co-Chairman of Board of Trustees at the NYU Langone Medical Center.

劳伦斯.芬克先生是全球最大的资产管理公司贝莱德的主席、行政总裁及联合创始人,领导贝莱德长达26年,秉承客户至上的服务理念,为客户提供创新解决方案、准确投资以及风险管理,截至2014年9月30日为机构及零售客户管理4.525万亿美元的投资。贝莱德的Aladdin®是市场领先的风险管理及投资系统,为政府、主权财富基金、银行和全球主要资产管理公司的资产作风险分析。芬克先生坚信贝莱德有责任代表全球投资者发声,在当下的投资新时代,提供指引和方案。芬克先生常成为多国政府及大型企业咨询财政难题的顾问对象,议题包括全球金融风暴以及欧洲债务危机等。芬克先生于2011年被《金融新闻》(Financial News)评为“近十年最优秀行政总裁”。他自2005年起连续获《巴伦周刊》(Barron’s)选为“全球最优秀行政总裁”之一,亦于2012年入选《福布斯》 (Forbes)“最具影响力人物”第42位。在1988年合伙创办贝莱德之前,芬克先生是美国第一波士顿公司(The First Boston Corporation) 的董事总经理及管理委员会成员。目前,芬克先生担任新加坡金融管理局国际咨询团委员、纽约大学信托管理委员会理事,以及纽约大学格尼医学中心联席主席及委员等社会团体职务。

About the Series丨关于活动

Peking University, Guanghua School of Management's "The Thought Leader Series" hosts renowned thought leaders from business, government, and nonprofit organizations to share their unique insights on business, society, China, and the world. This series aims to provide a platform in which faculty, students, alumni, and Guanghua friends and company partners can learn, exchange ideas, and drive positive change in their communities.



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